Mediation, Arbitration, and Alternative Dispute Resolution Services

While I was completing my fourth decade of practicing law, I reflected on both what I had done as well as what a lawyer is supposed to do. Most importantly, ways in which I could “improve” how I serve my clients.

Getting down to basics, the question came down to: “Why does one hire a lawyer?” Usually it is done to help them with a problem or conflict that they are unable to resolve on their own. While the bulk of what I have concentrated on has involved litigation, the fact remains that even in litigation, the vast majority of problems are resolved by some sort of agreement without an actual trial.

As much as I enjoy trials and being in a courtroom, particularly in front of a jury, the fact of the matter is that for a variety of reasons, while litigation is certainly one way of resolving conflict, “it may not always be best.”

Practical considerations include some of the following observations:

  1. Litigation is often costly: in terms of both money as well as time.

  2. When litigation is utilized, there is the risk of losing individual control of your outcome.

In short, I would encourage anyone who has a problem to consider all your options. You just may find that there may be a better alternative to litigation.

Please give me a call. I would be happy to discuss with you the various alternatives and which ones might be tailored for your needs.

Remember with any conflict or problem, the goal is a solution. Many times, there is more than one path. Choose the one which is right for you.